Knitted Shading net: P32

Knitted Shading net: P32, a commercially available product in P32 Knitted Shade net with color white, silver and LeBio pink.

  • White keep the sunlight ‘ spectrum and intensity more on 400nm~600nm
  • Silver keep the sunlight ‘ spectrum and intensity on range 400nm~700nm, about 49% of the sunlight ‘ spectrum and intensity. It’s represent the density of Silver Knitted net about 50%
  • LeBio’ Pink keep the sunlight’ spectrum more on Blue light zone (400nm~500nm, 67%) & Red light zone (600nm~800nm,77.7% ) , and less on Green light zone (520nm~600nm, 55%).
  • The Silver Knitted net: It blocked 50% of the sunlight spectrum and light intensity, and only direct light left.
  • The White net keep 400nm(83%)~800nm(86%) sunlight spectrum and light intensity, deduct about 50% of the direct light density equal to the remaining 33% to 36% of the diffuse light
  Blue light Zone 400nm~500nm Red light Zone


Green light Zone


white 83.55% 84.56% 86.07%
white *sunlight *20%=16.71% *30%=25.37% *50%=43.04%
Silver 49.56% 50.29% 47.13
Silver *sunllight *20%=9.91% *30%=15.09% *50%=23.57%
Pink 67.11% 55.18% 77.76%
Pink*sunlight *20%=13.42% *30%=16.55% *50%=38.88%

LeBio Pink deduct about 50% of the direct light density equal to the remaining 17% green light zone , 5% red light zone and 27.7% of the diffuse light. This sunlight spectrum more suitable for plant’ photosynthesis

Because plants’ photosynthesis spectrum range between 400nm~700nm;the chlorophyll and carotene AB use spectral range 400nm ~ 500m and 600nm ~ 700nm, for blue light and the red light region , 500nm ~ 600nm spectral of green light region is using very little . The chlorophyll f is use 700nm ~ 760nm