Dear Smart Farmers folks,
Our new itemization of spectralX came out and we are excited to introduce its pioneering features.
As you all know, the sun intensity is very strong at this particular time of the year. spectralX is here to solve such issue as this new itemization is designed for summer sunlight.
It cuts off 40 to 50% of the current sunlight, and thus provide an adequate amount of light for vegetables, pineapples and other similar fruits.
Most of the time in Taiwan, farmers use a common black net which cuts down up to 50 or 60% of the light: this causes an excessive growth of the plant.
In the same token, those whom grows vegetables in the island, focuses solely on green nets.
We, at LeBio, have redesigned such shading net and elaborated a unique magenta formula that adjusts the sunlight to fit the particular requirements of the plants and create the best condition for their growth. Using our new spectralX alone will be much more efficient than combining it to the typical green net.
Our magenta net solves the problem caused by the black net.
Your benefits?
Vegetables would grow faster during the summer, the productivity is increased, the fruits themselves are sweeter, tastier and softer.
This is a win-win approach.